Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013

Walking in an old city


today I tried something different with my pictures. I added a little color to make them a look warmer. But I am not quite sure which is better, the regular or the warmer one. What do you think?  
The weekend was very relaxing. I didn't do much, saw a movie yesterday evening and I have one for today :) I wanted to bake something today but did not have any ingredients so maybe next week. I love to bake like muffins or sometimes also cakes, but mostly muffins and cupcakes. 
The outfit idea of today is more chic, but still wearable for a regular day. Although the heels are not the most comfortable ones but I am still stuck here with my shoe problem so I gotta use what I have :) 
So tell me what you think about the outfit and the picture editing. 

Jacket: Zara
Shirt: H&M
Jeans: Primark
Bag: Zara
Heels: H&M
Sunnies: Ray Ban

xx Karla Johanna

4 Kommentare:

  1. Ein toller Look! Die Jacke gefällt mir gut! Aber leider noch zu kalt, um sie jetzt zu tragen =/ Jedenfalls in meiner Region :P
    Ich freue mich auf den Frühling, vermisse meine Lederjacke auch schon allmählich :D

    Liebe Grüße

  2. WUNDERSCHÖNE lederjacke! ich mag das voll wenn die so gesteppt sind :))

    liebe grüße

    1. Hey vielen Dank :) ich hab sie auch letzte Woche bei Zara gefunden und hab mich sofort verliebt.

  3. Hi :)
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