Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

Black and New York


the day didn't start well. I was in a really bad mood and then it was my last day of work and I had to finish some stuff and it all just came together so I wasn't really happy. But anyways I wanted to take pictures of my outfit because it's something that makes me happy and brings me to a good mood :) So I was wearing a black basic skirt paired with a top that I found in my old closet. I like it and it brings back some good memories and reminds me of happy times in the states. I was unsure about the shoes but then again I just took my black boots. I am looking forward to tomorrow because then I am going to have my whole closet again :) yaay
How do you like the combination? 

xx Karla Johanna
p.s. here is a link to a blog of a sweet girl who is looking for some blogs to do a blog presentation. I wanted to enter and with some luck she'll pick my blog :)

Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013

Color in a gray day


today was a really nice day :) I was working but had to leave for a while because I had an appointment at a cosmetician. I hadn't been at one for a few years now so it felt really good to have my face deep cleaned. And then after work a friend of me took my outfit pictures (thank you Anni :)) and we went to a nice place to have dinner. I had such a huge salat that I still feel pretty stuffed and now I just want to go to sleep haha. Only two days of work left and then I am leaving home and I am in my flat again. I am looking forward to that because I like beeing there. I don't really know yet where I am going to take pictures because around my flat there is really nothing... but we'll see. 
So today I wore my beanie again :D now that I have it I can't take it off again. How do you like this outfit? :)

Shirt: Only
Vest: H&M
Jeans: Primark
Shoes: Ebay
Beanie: H&M
Necklace: Kappahl
Watch: Casio

xx Karla Johanna

Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013

Mixing neons


since it won't stop snowing I decided yesterday to get a beanie. So I went to the city and found this nice neon pink one. I was very lucky because it was the last one and I wanted to have one with some color. Now I am really happy that I particularly found this one :) I love it because it matches my blond hair really well hehe. The jacket I am wearing is also new and it was a real find. My dad and I were at the airport to pick up my mum but her flight was delayed so we used the time to shop a little at the airport. At Mango I found this coat I had been looking for awhile now but it was always sold out in my size. Haha now that spring comes closer I am finally happy with my winter wardrobe. 
How do you like the mixture of both neon colors? I thought it was a nice contrast to the dark colors and the snowy landscape. I decided to take some pictures while it was snowing to have some flakes in them. 

Coat: Mango
Jeans: Primark
Shirt: Zara
Beanie: H&M
Bag: Primark
Shoes: ebay

xx Karla Johanna

Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013

Nude and stripes


on tuesday evening I was in the city with my dad because he wanted to get himself some shoes. I was really tired from work and had a headache but it was all gone when I found these nude heels. I had to try them on and they fit me so well that I just had to get them. I had been looking for a pair of nude heels for such a long time and never bought some because something was always wrong. But this time the color was perfect and the shape and just everything (except maybe the price but... what ever, when you find the perfect nude heel you just can't look at the price tag :D). So I was happy for the rest of the day and instantly was inspired to pair some new outfits. This outfit is one of them. I like that it's all black and nude but with the white stripes. I am really obsessed with stripes but I feel like I don't have any solid striped shirts in my current closet. So I am definitely looking for nice, good quality ones when I am shopping. I also added a little pop of color with the neon necklace. I think it makes the outfit maybe a little more interesting. 
How do you like my outfit and what do you think about my nude heels? :) 

Blazer: Vero Moda
Shirt: New Yorker
Jeans: Primark
Necklace: Primark
Heels: Buffalo
Bag: LV

xx Karla Johanna

Montag, 18. Februar 2013

Best Blog Award unter 200 Leser


ich wurde von Silvana von nominiert um bei dem best Blog Award unter 200 Lesern mitzumachen :) Ich habe mich natürlich sehr gefreut und vielen Dank nochmal fürs nominieren. Ich finde die Aktion echt super weil man viele neue Blogs kennenlernt und man sich gegenseitig hilft :) 

Wie's funktioniert:

Wenn du nominiert wirst, dann beantworte 11 Fragen und nominiere ebenfalls 20 weitere Blogs, indem du einen Kommentar im letzten Eintrag hinterlässt :)


1. Was magst du beim Kochen lieber! Nachtisch oder deftige Gerichte?
Ich backe sehr gerne und am liebsten Muffins. Hab grade auch welche gemacht :D Blaubeermuffins yammi

  2. Was ist dir bei einer Person wichtiger, Persönlichkeit oder Erscheinungsbild?
Natürlich ist es nicht schlecht wenn ein Mensch gepflegt ist aber entscheidend ist die Persönlichkeit. Weil mit einem Menschen der unheimlich gut aussieht aber von der Persönlichkeit her nicht viel rüberbringt kann ich nicht viel mit anfangen. Mir ist in erster Linie Ehrlichkeit und Respekt am wichtigsten.

3. Wann hast du deinen Blog gegründet?
Gegründet wurde mein Blog am 27.12.12, aber mein erster Post kam erst Anfang Februar 2013.

4.Welche Person hat dich bisher inspiriert , in der Welt etwas Neues anzufangen?
Am meisten eigentlich meine Familie. Sie steht immer hinter mir und gibt mir das Gefühl dass ich alles schaffen kann was ich mir vornehme :)

5. Verfolgst du viele Blogs?
Mittlerweile sind es schon relativ viele Blog geworden :D einige verfolge ich täglich und andere alle paar Tage.

6. Kochst du lieber oder lässt du dich lieber bekochen?
Ich koche nicht so gerne und gehen wenn es nur möglich ist irgendwo essen :D obwohl ich nicht schlecht kochen kann finde ich es irgendwie lästig. 

7. Welches Buch liest du momentan?
Da ich Semesterferien habe komme ich auch endlich wieder zum lesen :) Ich lese von Hakan Nesser am Abend des Mordes.

8. Welches Kleidungsstück hat bis jetzt am längsten in deinem Schrank überlebt?    
Jeans überleben bei mir eigentlich am längsten weil wenn man mal eine gute gefunden hat dann kann man sie immer wieder anziehen. Bei Oberteilen wechselt mein Geschmack öfter.

9. Was ist dein Lieblingsgericht?
Momentan esse ich gerne Spaghetti Carbonara oder überbackenen Feta auf Salat.

10. Welche Eigenschaften einer Person sind dir in einer Freundschaft besonders wichtig?
Also Ehrlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit sind eigentlich so die Grundpfeiler einer Freundschaft. Dann ist mir noch wichtig, dass ich mich mit dieser Person einfach wohlfühlen kann und mit ihr lachen kann. 

 11. Was ist dein Lieblingsfilm?
Mein Lieblingsfilm is dear John (das Leuchten der Stille). Der ist so schön :)

Hier noch die 20 Blogs die ich nominiere:

xx Karla Johanna

Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013

Walking in an old city


today I tried something different with my pictures. I added a little color to make them a look warmer. But I am not quite sure which is better, the regular or the warmer one. What do you think?  
The weekend was very relaxing. I didn't do much, saw a movie yesterday evening and I have one for today :) I wanted to bake something today but did not have any ingredients so maybe next week. I love to bake like muffins or sometimes also cakes, but mostly muffins and cupcakes. 
The outfit idea of today is more chic, but still wearable for a regular day. Although the heels are not the most comfortable ones but I am still stuck here with my shoe problem so I gotta use what I have :) 
So tell me what you think about the outfit and the picture editing. 

Jacket: Zara
Shirt: H&M
Jeans: Primark
Bag: Zara
Heels: H&M
Sunnies: Ray Ban

xx Karla Johanna

Samstag, 16. Februar 2013

No chocolate but fashion


since the begining of the year I haven't eaten any chocolate because in December I hat so much that I didn't even like it anymore and said, why not avoide chocolate till my birthday. So you gotta know that my birthday is June 14th so that means more than half a year without chocolate. I told my friends and family about my plan, so I can't cheat because they all know about it :D ... So now i have been living for about one and a half month without chocolate. Sometimes it's very hard when you are craving sweets but all you could get is chocolate, so you just have to get over it and not satisfy your sweettooth. But I haven't been cheating at all so only five months to go haha. 
But anyways the reason I am doing this blogpost is because I wanted to have something nice to eat in the evening and I got my hands on these yummy ABC cookies. So at home I got really creative and spelled different words with the letters and this is the outcome :D I really like this picture. What do you think? :) 

xx Karla Johanna

Freitag, 15. Februar 2013

Call it black


I am so happy that it's friday :) The week passed by so fast that I didn't even have time to plan my weekend. But now I have two days with no plans which doesn't sound too bad either. Now I have been working for two weeks and only two more weeks to go :) 
I really like the outfit because it's a little edgy. I would have loved to combine it with some black pistol boots but I don't have any. So the only black shoes I was left with were the black ones which kind of bore me.
What do you think of this outfit? :)

Jacket: Zara
Hoodie: Hollister
Shirt: Zara
Jeans: Primark
Boots: Zign
Necklace: Primark

xx Karla Johanna

Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013

Black with white

Hey everyone, 

happy valentines day! <3 
I wanted to upload this outfit post yesterday but we didn't have internet for 24 hours. It got really boring after a while :D ... but I went to bed early and so I wasn't too tired today at work. 
Today the results of my exams were published. Everything was all right and I passed them all :) So right now I am really happy about that and I don't have to rewrite exams in summer. 
Today it is snowing again... I can't stand it anymore. It feels like this is the longest winter  ever. My outfit here is very black with a white note. I love the leather leggings which I got already in fall from Monci. The are really easy to combine with different things. 
I wish you a happy valentines evening and have fun :)
Tell me how you like this outfit. 

Leggings: Monci
Vest: H&M
Shirt: Primark
Boots: Zign
Necklace: Primark

xx Karla Johanna

Montag, 11. Februar 2013

Like everyday


my outfit of today is something I would wear on a regular day like when I am at the university or doing nothing special. Today it is really cold outside and we had to take the pictures really quickly so there weren't many useful ones. It is always very hard to take good pictures of me because of the lack of my "foto-gen". 
I am very annoyed that I only took two bags with me from my apartment in southern Germany so now I can only pair my Louis Vuitton bag or my small black bag from Zara to my outfits. So sorry for that :) 
I hope you like this outfit and I hope you had a good start into the week. 

Jacket: New Yorker
Sweater: Mango
Shirt: Gina Tricot
Jeans: H&M
Shoes: H&M
Bag: LV
Glasses: Misterspex
Necklace: Kappahl (can you guess my favorit necklace? :D)

p.s. haha uploading these pictures I realized that I look really petite with those shoes. 
xx Karla Johanna 

Samstag, 9. Februar 2013

What I found


I was shopping today and found some nice pieces in the city, so I wanted to show you what I got. Some things I got already a couple of days ago but I thought that I could include them in this post. What do you think about my founds? :)

These shoes I found at Zara. They were on sale and I thought that they looked really cool with the thick heal.
I found this necklace at Primark and fell in love with the neon detail

Haha this sweater looks really orange on the picture but it's actually salmon pink. I got it from Primark

This vest is from H&M but I bought it from a girl via

I really love how these pants fit me. So I got them in three colors. The red ones I wear in my first two posts :)

xx Karla Johanna

Casual shopping outfit


today I have a really casual outfit. I was in the city shopping with my dad and put on some basic jeans and shirt. Since it's still snowy I put on my boots which I have been using pretty much this winter. At the moment I am in my home town and had to bring cloths for a month with me. But I was so smart and thought that the cold would be gone and it would heat up a little so I didn't bring any uggs with me... so now I am stuck with my black boots here. I can't wait for spring and summer! Although I am from Finland I hate cold weather and snow. I am absolutely a summer person :) But thinking positively... everyday brings us closer to spring! 
I hope you like the outfit and I wish you a very nice day.

Jacket: New Yorker
Jeans: H&M
Shirt: Gina Tricot
Scarf: Primark
Bag: Zara
Boots: Zign
Necklace: Kappahl

xx Karla Johanna

Freitag, 8. Februar 2013

White and burgundy


I wanted to share with you my outfit of today. I am going out with a good friend so this is what I am planning to wear. I think the white shirt floral printing makes the outfit very classic and feminine. The faux fur vest makes it a little more relaxed. 
I am so happy that the weekend is coming :) I was working the whole week in an office and now I am looking forward to chill and having a good time with my friend. At the moment I have midterm vacation. I finished my first semester of studies and in about a week I will have the results of the exams... let's see how it all comes out. 
I hope you like the outfit and I wish you a very nice weekend :) 

vest: h&m
shirt: h&m
pants: primark
shoes: kämpgen
necklace: asos, h&m
watch: casio
armcandy: primark, asos
bag: LV

xx Karla Johanna